Comcheck Energy Report: What to Expect

Your building inspector has asked you to prepare a Comcheck Energy Report on your commercial construction problem. The only problem is, you do not know anything about Comcheck reporting or the requirements. Welcome to the Comcheck Energy Report blog and today we will help you know what to expect when tasked with a Comcheck.

At this moment in time a Comcheck report can be created using 3 software options:

Comcheck Desktop: This is a software that is stored on the hard drive of your computer and can be accessed without the internet. The major pitfall of Comcheck Web that is infrequently updated and does not include all the latest codes that are needed.

IECC Codes Available in Comcheck Desktop and Comcheck Web

Comcheck Web: This is the most preferred method of creating a Comcheck and a great place for you to start on your Comcheck. The only downfall is that you cannot use Comcheck Web without an internet connection. Remote jobsites and rural areas are not great for this version. However, it does include all the latest energy codes and is frequently updated and maintained.

IECC Codes (2024) Available in Comcheck Desktop and Comcheck Web

New Comcheck Web: New Comcheck Web was recently launched. It works alot like Comcheck Web but has a new user interface. I have worked several Comchecks to completion on New Comcheck Web. Personally, I am not ready to make the switch yet, but I am always open to trying new Commercial energy auditing softwares and sharing them with our readers.

New Comcheck

So after you have chosen your software the anatomy of a Comcheck report will remain very similar on all 3 of the softwares. A typical Comcheck Energy Report will have 4 easy to use sections.

Comcheck Envelope: This portion is the roof, walls, windows, doors, and founation. It will compare the insulation qualities of those components against the climate zone that you are building in and give you a pass or fail percentage based score.

Comcheck Interior Lighting: You will choose the type of area you are constructing and enter the type and quantity of lights you will be installing in the interior of your commercial structure. A pass or fail grade will be established based upon the total number of watts that you install versus the baseline number prescribed by the software.

Comcheck Exterior lighting: You will choose the type of area you are constructing and enter the type and quantity of lights you will be installing on the exterior of your commercial building. An example would be canopy and parking lights. A pass or fail grade will be established based upon the total number of watts that you install versus the baseline number prescribed by the software.

Comcheck Mechanical: This section you enter the data about the HVAC systems that you are installing. It is the final section of the Comcheck report.

Once you have all these components complete you will need to sign, date, and submit your Comcheck Energy report to your building department. Know you know what to expect from your Comcheck Energy Report.

If you need a Comcheck created for you we can do it. Email us PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.

Comcheck Energy Report: What to Expect
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Comcheck Energy Report: What to Expect
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